Immanuel Lutheran Church is located in Escanaba, Michigan and easily accessible along Michigan State Highway 35. Our neighborhood includes the Escanaba High School, senior assisted living facilities, grade schools, nursing homes, medical facilities, several churches, and residential developments. In many ways Immanuel is here to help.

Christ’s love for us all was demonstrated through His life, death, and resurrection. The connections He made with people during His ministry and the stories told about those connections is a demonstration to us about caring for each other in all of life’s circumstances.

Our website is the well of information we have built to serve visitors and members alike who need to stop their busy life and take a “drink”. Come with us to explore the many ways the church community at Immanuel continues to learn about sharing Christ’s love. Consider joining this ministry.

Office hours:
9:00 am to 12:00 noon
Monday through Friday
Office Phone: 906-786-6771

Sunday Worship
10:30 am

Sunday Bulletin
> Click to view 

March Newsletter
> click to view

Job PostingJob Opening:
Church Cleaning Person

> Click here for job description

Annual Report 2024
click to view


Immanuel Lutheran Church
600 South Lincoln Road
Escanaba MI 49829